Author Guidelines

Article Content 

International Education Journal welcomes practical and research manuscripts that focus on educational issues, provide a clear purpose and depth of discussion, and are presented in a straightforward style accessible to an international audience.

The issue of Bias
Avoid stereotyping on the basis of gender, race, or age. Accordingly,

  • choose gender-neutral terms, such as sports person rather than sportsman
  • describe the person, not the disability: for example a person with visual impairment rather than a visually impaired person
  • use people of both sexes and vary the ethnicity of names
  • avoid using the third-person singular pronouns he, his, and him by rewording the sentence with alternatives such as they or their, he or she, his or her, or him or her.

Copyright and Permission
Copyrighted material allows the author to quote briefly (up to 100 words) for scholarly purposes from most published materials, providing the source is correctly cited within the manuscript. However, if the author wishes to use figures, tables, poems, or longer quotations, written permission must be obtained from the writer or publisher to reprint the material. Under such circumstances, the author needs to provide a permission summary with their manuscript submission. Written permissions must also be provided by subjects in any photographs or audio or video segments. If the subjects are children, a signed release from a parent or guardian must be provided for each child visible in the photograph or video segment, or heard on an audio clip.

In addition, although linking to another site does not require permission, replication (such as “screen shots”) or description of a site within the manuscript requires permission to be sought from originator of web site, including those created by students, teachers, or schools.

Plagiarism Detection
All articles submitted to IEJ for review will, as part of the review process, be subjected to plagiarism detection software in order to deter and detect possible instances of plagiarism. With the help of EVE2,  a quickly and reliable check of the Internet is made to locate suspect sites. Once suspect sites have been located, EVE2 then visits each of these suspect sites to determine if they contain work that matches the submitted article in question. If they do, a link to that site is placed in the results file for viewing by the IEJ Online Editor to confirm that the instance is plagiarised and not a referenced quotation. Any articles suspected of plagiarism will be automatically declined.


Paper Template



Submission CriteriaThe initial submission:

  • should be prepared using the downloadable (for Mac or PC) WORD6/95 template document (iejbase.doc), complete with layout styles, images and tables correctly positioned in the text. Please refer to the WORD6/95 model for examples of correct layout.
  • images that are imported or inserted into the text from an external source as figures should be included as separate graphic files (either GIF or JPG format)

The editors reserve the right to return poorly edited or improperly formatted manuscripts.
Hard-copy only submissions cannot be accepted or returned.

Manuscript StyleThe manuscript should:

  • show the article’s title, authors’ names, affiliation, and email addresses (these will be included on the online page), and postal address and telephone numbers (these will be removed from the final online page)
  • not exceed 5,000 words in length (20,000 for occasional papers)
  • include an abstract of approximately 150 words
  • include 5 keywords describing the article to assist searching
  • be in final form ready for immediate reviewing
  • comply with the document template and modified APA referencing system, both described in detail below
LayoutGeneral Principles

  • Papers should be prepared using the template iejbase.doc with Microsoft WORD on either a Macintosh or a Windows system.
  • Format paragraph text using the ‘Normal’ style in the styles menu. This puts a space before each paragraph so that a blank line is not required to separate paragraphs and automatically sets the text to single line, full justified, 12 pt layout.
  • Format the Title of the paper using the ‘Title’ style in the styles menu, use the ‘Abstract’ style for the abstract and the ‘Quotation’ style for paragraph quotes.
  • Use foot-notes, with one set of numbers running through the whole article.
  • Do not create additional headers and footers in the template document iejbase.doc, just modify them appropriately. By double clicking on the header it should become active, allowing you to change the Author(s) name and Title of the article.


  • Diagrams should be placed in the text where they are to appear.
  • Diagrams should have a caption appearing beneath the figure on the same page, be numbered successively, and must be referred to in the text before their appearance, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Example of a figure


  • Use the ‘Table’ commands to produce tables. Do not use the space bar or the Tab command to align numbers and text.
  • Tables should have a caption appearing above the table, be numbered successively, and be referred to in the text prior to their appearance.
  • Use the ‘Tabletext’ style to format the text and numbers in the table.
  • An example of how to present a table is given in Table 1.


  • Quotations less than three lines long should be incorporated into the text using double quotation marks
  • For longer quotations (more than three lines or two sentences), use ‘Quotation’ style in the styles menu


  • Insert 6 pts using the Paragraph command for the first reference in order to provide a gap between the references and the heading
  • Format the reference list using the ‘Reference’ style in the styles menu.


Further Points to Note

  • Use foot-notes, with one set of numbers running through the whole article.
  • Use bold rather than underlining for emphasis.
  • Use italics to emphasise book titles and foreign words or phrases (for example, via, however it is simpler and preferable to use ‘through’).
  • Avoid using the slash /. Say his or her, rather than his/her, and never use and/or.
  • Avoid writing in the first person. For example, use “This paper discusses…”, rather than, “In this paper I will discuss…”.
  • Use single quote marks for words or phrases that have a new meaning, for example, so called ‘in your face’, because it is not standard or commonly accepted English or is an unknown phrase.
  • Use ‘in order to’ rather than the infinitive ‘for’.
  • Tenses in sentences in a given paragraph MUST agree.
  • Short quotes and short spoken quotes use double quotation marks. Italicise spoken quotes.
  • Long quotes (over three lines), start a new line and use the ‘Quotation’ style.
  • All written quotes should have a page number included in the reference. For example, “Work is love made visible” (Gibran, 1923, p.15). Use p. as the abbreviation for page, not pg.
  • In-text references, when there are more than one, should be in alphabetical order. For example (Arnold, 1994; Jones and Demp, 1990;  Lee, 2001; Smith and Yuan, 1983).
  • Take care to avoid split infinitives.
  • Use the English form: -is and -ys instead of ‘z’ in spelling words like standardise and analysing.
  • The word ‘program’ is not spelt the French way (programme).
  • Avoid confusing the words ‘methodology’ and ‘method’. Methodology it is the study of methods, not the methods themselves.
  • Never abbreviate words.
    Always use United States (not US), United Kingdom (not UK), for example (not eg), and (not &).
  • Always use per cent, and not %, unless it is in brackets or in a table. For example, 5 per cent or (5%), is fine.
  • Numbers up to ten should be written in full (for example, three students were interviewed), unless it is a label, such as, Grade 3, or Year 5, or a statistical number, such as 7 per cent.
  • Numbers above ten should be written as a numeral unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Avoid using etc. at the end of a list of examples.
  • Lists of items within a sentence should use letters (a), (b), and (c).
  • Lists of that are complete sentences should start each item on a new line and use dot-points or numbers 1. 2. 3. …
ReferencingTo reference in the body of the manuscript, cite authors’ last names and the year of publication in parentheses: for example, (Baker, Robertson and Sloan, 1993). When citing several authors within the same set of parentheses, use alphabetical order separated by a semicolon (Anderson, 1997; Hart, 1990). Include only items cited in the text in the list of references. References should be listed at the end of the paper and conform to the modified APA system, as provided in Table 1. Note that Table 1 is also an example of how a table and the caption should appear in your paper.

Table 1. Example of the Modified APA System

Book Baker, M., Robertson, F. and Sloan, J. (1993) The Role of Immigration in the Australian Higher Education Market. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.
Journal Article Hart, G. (1990) Peer consultation in review. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 5 (4), 22-27.
Articles in Edited Works Slee, R. (1991) Institutional approaches to discipline. In M. Lovegrove and R. Lewis, (eds) Classroom Discipline, Melbourne: Longman Cheshire.
Theses Birkeland, J. (1992) Planning for a sustainable society. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Tasmania.
Unpublished Works McGaw, B. (1993) Improving education and training research. Unpublished manuscript, Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research.
Online Sources Anderson, J. (1997) Australian College of Education Review: 1996 in retrospect. Unicorn, 23 (1), 3-13. [Online] [1997, August 4]
 Recommended Reading

by Abby Day
************************************************************Abby Day has now completed her three part special guide to how to write publishable papers and how to choose the right publishers:The postings follow a logical, systematic structure which I originally developed for my book How to Get Research Published in Journals.Much of the material derived from my long association with Emerald, publisher of the world’s widest range of journals in management, including HR and marketing, and library and information services. In particular, Emerald sponsored original research I conducted on quality variables in academic journals, which led to me conducting further independent research to test the findings more widely. Day, A. and Peters, J. Quality indicators in academic publishing, Library Review, 45, (3/4).Now, under the aegis of Emerald’s Literati Club – the exclusive network for authors and editors you can read nine separate guidance notes offered in three installments:Part 1: A purpose to publishMarch 20011.1 Four good reasons to publish your work
1.2 Four even better reasons not to publish your work
1.3 Answering the question: so what?Part 2: Relationship publishingApril 20012.1 When quality doesn’t matter
2.2 Who cares about your work?
2.3 Guaranteeing acceptancePart 3: Seven days to a perfect paperMay 20013.1 The first draft
3.2 The finishing touch
3.3 Managing the review process


Tracking your articleIEJ have a tracking system so that authors, and reviewers for that matter, can monitor the progress of the article through the review process.

You can access this online facility at: NA

This process usually takes about six to nine months, depending on the celerity of the reviewer and the imminence of the next issue.

Once you send in your article to the online editor as an attached word document, you should receive within two weeks, a return email that provides the tracking code, consisting of the main author�s initials, the date of receipt and a key word from the title. For purposes of confidentiality, each article is coded so that only the author and IEJ Editors know whose article it is.