Review Process

For each Journal, the Editor-in-Chief or the International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
Secretariat sends each paper to 3 independent reviewers, experts in the area of the paper.
So, each paper is evaluated by three independent experts according to the following Criteria
1) Relevance to the Journal
2) Scientific – Technical Originality, Potential Impact and Interest for the International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering readers
3) Scientific/Technical Content And Advances Beyond The State-Of-The-Art
4) Quality of the Presentation, Clarity of the Content
5) Comments For The Authors
The reviewers are going to indicate their familiarity with the paper’s subject, evaluate the paper along the aforementioned criteria.

Finally, the Editor-in-Chief decides what paper will be accepted or not.Our Score System classifies the papers as follows:
Excellent Papers: Papers of outstanding quality – top 10% of the accepted papers
Very good Papers: Papers of very good quality – in the top 20% of accepted papers
Good papers: Papers of average quality – in the top 33% of accepted papers
Fair Papers: Papers of fair quality and below acceptable threshold
(implies: Rejection) Poor Papers: Poor quality papers (implies: Rejection)

The acceptance rates of our Journals (#accepted papers / # total number of submitted papers) are between 20 and 30%.