To be fat or thin? Social representations of the body among adolescent female students in Brazil Stenzel, L.M., Saha, L.J. and Guareschi, P. |
Using regression analysis to establish the relationship between home environment and reading achievement: A case of Zimbabwe Kanyongo, G.Y., Certo, J. and Launcelot, B.I. |
What makes a difference between two schools? Teacher job satisfaction and educational outcomes Lee, M. |
Why do they not talk? Towards an understanding of students’ cross-cultural encounters from an individualism/collectivism perspective Tan, J.K.L. and Goh, J.W.P. |
Comparing university academic performances of HSC students at the three art-based faculties Ismail, N.A. and Othman, A. |
Private education as a policy tool in Turkey Cinoglu, M. |
Does increasing communication through visual learning environments enhance student perceptions of lecturers? Frumkin, L. |
Individual and flexible: Working conditions in the practice of Swedish distance-based teacher education Lindberg, J.O. and Olofsson, A.D. |
State educational policy and curriculum: The case of Palestinian Arabs in Israel Abu-Saad, I. |
Insisting on equity: A redistribution approach to education Nordstrum, L.E. |
Retention and academic achievement research revisited from a United States perspective Lorence, J. |
Successful pedagogies for an Australian multicultural classroom Winch-Dummett, C. |
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