Volume 13, 2019

Title of the Paper: Analysis Of Family Social Support With Compliance Of Taking Drug In Leprosy (Morbus Hansen) Patients In The Hospital Of Damaian In The District Of Lembata In 2018


Authors: Ni Nyoman, Maria Pulo Bean

Pages: 78-83

Abstract: Leprosy (Morbus Hansen) is a contagious and chronic disease caused by (Mycobacterium leprae) which attacks the skin, peripheral nerves and other body tissues. Treatment of people affected by leprosy is to break the chain of transmission, cure the patient’s disease and prevent the occurrence of defects or prevent the increase that already exists before treatment. The purpose of this study is to determine the analysis of family social support by compliance of taking drug for leprosy in Damian Hospital, Lambata Regency. This research is an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design, namely research by collecting independent variable data and being bound at the same time. The population in this study were all Leprosy in Damian Hospital, Lembata Regency, amounting to 30 people and the sample of 12 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire. As for the research hypothesis test is to use the chi-squer test. The results of this study obtained data, namely 1 respondent who had a low level of compliance (8.3%) but had good support. While for 11 respondents had a good level of compliance (91.67%) and good support from the family. As for good family social support, there were 12 respondents (100%). From the results of the chi-squer test obtained P-value> 0.05, which is 0.240, it can be concluded that the analysis of compliance of taking drug and family social support has nothing to do with.

Title of the Paper: A Mathematical Model on the Effect of Non-Adherence to Drugs on Diabetes Control


Authors: Gilbert Makanda

Pages: 70-77

Abstract: A compartmental mathematical model for diabetes is developed. The model describes the dynamics of the spread of Type- 2 diabetes. A theoretical investigation in the non-adherence to drugs is investigated. A system of differential equations is analysed by stability analysis, the non-trivial critical point obtained is locally asymptotically stable under the given conditions. In-host mathematical model for glucose tolerance test (GTT) is considered, actual glucose data values are fitted using Matlab least squares curve fitting technique. Two methods are used to numerically compute the distributions of steady states of diabetic sub-populations. The Gauss- Seidel method is more accurate than the Jacobi method. The results show that more than 50% of clinical diagnosis effort need to be applied to have more diagnosed population than undiagnosed. Nonadherence to drugs make the control of diabetes difficult. Other nonclinical activities such as campaigns against unhealthy lifestyles can help control diabetes. The GTT model show that if strict diet and medication is followed diabetes can be controlled.

Title of the Paper: Investigation Of IRF6 Gene Functional Role In Human Oral Epithelium With Nonsyndromic Orofacial Cleft


Authors: Saskia L. Nasroen, Ani Melani Maskoen,  Eky S. Soeria Soemantri,Hardisiswo Soedjana, Dany Hilmanto

Pages: 62-70

Abstract: IRF6 gene association with nonsyndromic orofacial cleft (NS OFC) has been consistently replicated in many distinct geographic areas of the world, but the exact functional role of IRF6 in the NS OFC risk has not been fully identified yet. This study aims to investigate the functional role of IRF6 gene through rs642961 (promoter) and rs2235371 (exon 7) polymorphisms by examining mRNA expression levels from human oral epithelium of NS OFC patients. This study was a crossectional laboratory analitical study and we tested human oral epithelium samples obtained by smear method from 136 individuals with NS OFC and its phenotypes consist of complete unilateral (CU) cleft lip and palate (CLP) (n=42), complete bilateral (CB) CLP (n=34), cleft lip only (CLO) (n=33) and cleft palate only (CPO) (n=27). Both DNA and RNA were extracted according to established protocols. The segment of rs642961 and rs2235371 were evaluated and mRNA expression analysis was performed by real time (RT) PCR. Then, mRNA expression levels were analyzed by Livak method and Mann Whitney test through AA, GA, GG, A*A*, G*A* and G*G* genotypes. There were different mRNA expression levels from all NS OFC phenotypes. The mRNA expression of GA genotype from NS CLO was 0.057 lower than GG genotype (p<0.001), where mRNA expression of GA genotype from NC CU CLP was 4.11 higher than GG genotype (p=0.028) and the mRNA expression of G*A* genotype from NS CU CLP was 2.46 higher than G*G* genotype (p=0.048) where mRNA expression of G*A* genotype from NS CB CLP 0.15 lower than G*G* genotype (p=0.004) In conclusion, there are different over and underexpression levels of mRNA expression from both IRF6 polymorphisms among NS OFC phenotypes that can be investigated from human oral epithelium with NS OFC, means that IRF6 has a different functional role in each NS OFC phenotypes..

Title of the Paper: Lack Of Association Between The Tnf-a -308 (G/A) Genetic Polymorphism And Fascial Spaces Abscess Due To Odontogenic Infection


Authors: Saskia L. Nasroen, Florence Meliawatyt

Pages: 55-61

Abstract: Odontogenic infection is quite a common case, that can spread into facial spaces, and may result in morbidity and mortality. Consequently, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) probably take part in the development of odontogenic infection. TNF-αoverproduction or inappropriate expression can lead to a variety of pathological conditions including fascial spaces abscess due to odontogenic infection. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether there is an association between TNF-α -308 (G/A) rs1800629 genetic polymorphism and fascial spaces abscess due to odontogenic infection. This study was case control design using samples from 130 subjects that include 51 fascial spaces abscess subjects and 79 healthy control subjects.DNA was extracted from venous blood and the segment of TNF-a-308 (G/A) rs1800629 gene in promoter region were amplified by PCR technique, then sequencing method were evaluated.The study results indicated that TNF-a-308 (G/A) rs1800629 gene was identified as substitution of base G into A. Among all, there were no significant differences between A allele and G allele in both subjects. The odds ratio (OR) of A mutant allele was 1,322 (p>0,05) and the frequency of heterozygous mutant GA genotype was not associated with the increased risk of fascial spaces abscess due to odontogenic infection (OR=1,609, p>0,05). In conclusion, the presence of TNF-α -308 (G/A) genetic polymorphism is not associated with facial spaces abscess due to odontogenic infection.

Title of the Paper: Genetic variance of Infant Chelonia mydas’s mtDNA


Authors: Rini Puspitaningrum, Dwi Anita Suyandari, Yanti Susiyanti

Pages: 46-54

Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of classifying the pollen grains observed in a microscope view acquired by a collector of ambient air particles. This classification is usually performed by a highly skilled human operator observing the microscope slide to detect the presence of pollen grains, count them and sort them according to their taxa. However these tasks become particularly heavy in the mid-season because of the huge quantity of pollen produced. This paper compares the use of three neural networks (NN) to classify the pollen grains observed which are a modified version of LeNet5, ResNet50 and AlexNet. The first two have been conceived more for non-natural images and the last one for natural images. Simulation shows that ResNet50 and AlexNet particularly lead to good performance in terms of accuracy for this kind of images. AlexNet is finally a good compromise for pollen classification when adding a constraint on the computational complexity.

Title of the Paper: Variable Complexity Neural Networks Comparison for Pollen Classification


Authors: Aysha Kadaikar, Yan Pan, Qiaoxi Zhang, Patricia Conde-Cespedes, Maria Trocan, Frederic Amiel, Benjamin Guinot

Pages: 38-45

Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of classifying the pollen grains observed in a microscope view acquired by a collector of ambient air particles. This classification is usually performed by a highly skilled human operator observing the microscope slide to detect the presence of pollen grains, count them and sort them according to their taxa. However these tasks become particularly heavy in the mid-season because of the huge quantity of pollen produced. This paper compares the use of three neural networks (NN) to classify the pollen grains observed which are a modified version of LeNet5, ResNet50 and AlexNet. The first two have been conceived more for non-natural images and the last one for natural images. Simulation shows that ResNet50 and AlexNet particularly lead to good performance in terms of accuracy for this kind of images. AlexNet is finally a good compromise for pollen classification when adding a constraint on the computational complexity.

Title of the Paper: SOA based Multi-Agent Approach for Biological Data Searching and Integration


Authors: Veska Gancheva

Pages: 32-37

Abstract: Major challenge in the analysis of biological data is to propose an integrated and modern access to the progressively increasing amounts of data in multiple formats, and efficient approaches for their processing. Models for extraction and integration of large amount of genomics data, as well as problems related to heterogeneity, distribution and compatibility of data are presented in this paper. SOA based multi-agent approach for biological data searching and integration is proposed. A conceptual architecture for integrating of distributed biological data based on SOA is designed. The architecture is aimed to automate the data integration and allows the rapid management of large volumes of diverse data sets represented in different formats – relational, NoSQL, flat files. The integration of different databases is solved by using multi-agent architecture. The integration system consists of services for transforming the common request into a specific language request for each local database, depending on its type. The conceptual database integration is solved by applying translating query approach. Each integrated database is represented by a separate conceptual scheme called a virtual scheme. This scheme is generated in the collating process, which compares structural elements from the database to the conceptual model. Service oriented multi-agent system for searching of biological data from different sources that sends queries to multiple databases and then compiles the results into a list, depending on the type of source is developed. The system allows the user to set search criteria and access multiple databases simultaneously. The services allow the system to be accessed over the Internet by multiple clients (mobile phones, web browsers, desktop applications) and serving a wide range of users simultaneously.

Title of the Paper: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interaction of Lysine Dendrigraft of 2nd Generation with Stack of Amyloid Peptides


Authors: I. Neelov, D. Khamidova, V. Bezrodnyi, S. Mikhtaniuk

Pages: 26-31

Abstract: In present paper, molecular dynamics simulation is used to study destruction of stack of short amyloid peptide molecules by oppositely charged dendrigraft of 2nd generation. Dendrimers and dendrigraftss are often used in biomedicine for delivery of drugs and other biological molecules. They also could be used as antibacterial, antiviral and antiamyloid agents. Since lysine dendrimers and dendrigrafts are less toxic than many other conventional synthetic dendrimers they were chosen for present study and two systems consisting of 2nd generation dendrigraft and stack of 8 or 16 short amyloid peptide molecules were simulated by the method of molecular dynamics in water. It was demonstrated that lysine dendrigraft destroys both studied amyloid stacks and forms stable complexes with their peptide molecules. The final structures of the complexes in equilibrium state were studied also. It was shown that peptides in complexes stay mainly on the surface of dendrigrafts and do not penetrate into them. The results obtained in present paper could be useful for elaboration in future the anti-amyloid agents for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, since it is believed that one of the sources of this disease is the formation of toxic amyloid oligomers and fibrils.

Title of the Paper: On the Use of Anatomage Table as Diagnostic Tool


Authors: Alexandre Taoum, Rihab Sadqi, Mustapha Zidi, Alexandra d’Anglemont de Tassigny, Kawtar Megdiche, Nabil Ngote

Pages: 20-25

Abstract: Anatomy is one of the most important course in medical curriculum. To be effective, medical student must do several hours of practice on human cadavers. However, today, less and less corpses are available to be dissected. Therefore, Anatomage has developed a virtual dissection table known as Anatomage Table. In addition to filling the lack of corpses and being a very useful tool in anatomy classes, this table can open pathological images. The main purpose of this article is to show the investigation carried out to be able to use the table as a diagnostic tool. Before opening DICOM image into the table, Matlab was used to make the files readable by the Table. This paper deals with the opening of patients pathological images from differents type of medical imaging modalities. Indeed, the opening of pathological images turns the Anatomage Table into a very relevant tool in the diagnosis of several pathologies. Experimental 3D reconstruction of pathological patients are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. After opening pathological patient files, some hard tissue and soft tissue pathologies were diagnosed thanks to the use of Anatomage Table. That’s why the obtained results are largely satisfactory, indicating a promising use in the healing process.

Title of the Paper: Light Harvesting Complex LH2 – Simulation of Spectral Profiles


Authors: Pavel Heřman, David Zapletal

Pages: 10-19

Abstract: Absorption and steady state fluorescence spectra are simulated for relatively simple circular molecular system. It can be treated as a model of peripheral light harvesting complex LH2 from purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas acidophila. Both rings (B850 ring and B800 one) are included in our model. The spectra are calculated within full Hamiltonian model and compared for two types of slow fluctuations. Gaussian fluctuations in local excitations energies and Gaussian fluctuations in positions of bacteriochlorophylls are considered. Fast fluctuations, interaction with phonon bath, is also taking into account for low and room temperature. The resulting spectra show strong dependence on temperature. Splitting of both spectra are visible at low temperature. The differences caused by static disorder type are also remarkable. Localization of exciton states contributing to the steady state fluorescence spectra is investigated by thermally averaged by participation ratio.

Title of the Paper: An Iterative Map Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in the Neighborhood of Stress Induced Chaos


Authors: Theophilus A. Fashanu, Olagoke K. Ale, Ayo Oyediran, Viyon Dansu

Pages: 1-9

Abstract: This work examine the viability of one-dimensional Poincare section as an iterative tool for the inversion of electrocardiogram obtained from stressed cardiovascular system. The response of Heart Rate Variability to induced stress in a healthy subject on a Modified Bruce Treadmill Protocol was processed to derive R-peaks in six batches of 5.06 minutes per batch. For each stage, a corresponding iterative map was constructed with the sequenced R-peaks using the Kubios software. With increasing intensity of induced stress, the maps outline the nonlinear dynamic response of the subject’s autonomous nervous system. At the combined warm up stages one and two of the protocol, 1.6% offshoot in ANS activities is indicated with higher rate of parasympathetic activities. Response to low intensity stress condition showed symmetric ANS activities. However, with high intensity stress at the fifth stage, the map indicated an exponential increase in the number of heart beat orbits. However, the increment is characterized by skewed ANS activities with 15% acceleration of sympathetic ANS and 5% deceleration of parasympathetic activities. This profile is preserved at the final stage. In effect, the topology of the iterative maps of stages five and six of the protocol shows an inner ANS dynamical structure that is characterized by positive Lyapunov exponent. This limiting dynamical response determines the cardio-pulmonary reserve of the subject. Thus, Poincare iterative maps provide high resolution computational tool for identifying the onset of chaotic motion in stressed cardiovascular systems.